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Crystal Joy

800 RON

Availability: In stock
Product Code: Hannami-160222
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Feminine and truly glamouros, the “Crystal Joy” sandals are a statement of style.  They have a classic design and are made from beige suede leather with manually added crystals, to bring that extra shine in your outfit. Wear them for any special events in your life or even the most signficant one, your wedding.

• Fabric: 100% natural leather

• Heel: 10 cm
• Insole: natural leather
• Outsole: natural leather

This model may be customized -different heels, different colors and leather, added accessories etc.

Kindly allow a delivery time of 7 working days.


Feminine si foarte pretioase, sandalele “Crystal Joy” sunt cu adevarat o dovada de stil. Avand un design classic si realizate din piele intoarsa bej cu cristale aplicate manual, vor aduce un plus de stralucire tinutei tale. Le poti purta pentru orice ocazie speciala, poate chiar cea mai speciala dintre toate, nunta ta.

• Material: 100% piele naturala
• Inaltime toc: 10 cm
• Talpa interioara: piele naturala
• Talpa exterioara: piele naturala

Acest model poate fi produs si din alta piele, culoare sau alta dimensiunea a tocului.

Termen de livrare: 7 zile lucratoare.