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Red inspiration
550 RON
A pair of red statement sandals are the go-to piece if you want to brighten up any outfit, from casual to business and elegant cocktail attire. Our vibrant red model, made of high quality leather, with a block heel and plateau is very comfortable. Strap the tassels around your ankle and you can wear them throughout the day and into the night.
• Fabric: 100% natural leather
• Heel: 12 cm
• Plateau 2 cm
• Insole: natural leather
• Outsole: tunit
Kindly allow a delivery time of 7 working days.
Sandalele statement rosii sunt cele la care apelezi atunci cand vrei sa adaugi personalitate oricarei tinute. Modelul nostru, rosu vibrant, realizat din piele, cu toc gros si sireturi in jurul gleznei este foarte confortabil si poate fi purtat de-a lungul intregii zile.
• Material: 100% piele naturala
• Inaltime toc: 12 cm
• Platou 2 cm
• Talpa interioara: piele naturala
• Talpa exterioara: tunit
Termen de livrare: 7 zile lucratoare.