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Simply Goldie
655 RON
Keep it simple with this Hannami model. The metallic leather and the simplicity of the design make these sandals spectacular and so in line with the trends of the season. For a flawless look wear it with your most feminine outfits.
• Fabric: 100% natural leather
• Heel: 10 cm
• Insole: natural leather
• Outsole: natural leather
This model may be customized -different heels, different colors and leather, added accessories etc.
Kindly allow a delivery time of 7 working days.
Pastreaza-ti eleganta cu acest model Hannami. Datorita simplitatii designului si materialului de piele metalizata folosit, sandalele “Simply Goldie” se incadreaza perfect in trendul acestui sezon. Pentru un aspect impecabil, poarta-le cu tinutele tale cele mai feminine.
• Material: 100% piele naturala
• Inaltime toc: 10 cm
• Talpa interioara: piele naturala
• Talpa exterioara: piele naturala
Acest model poate fi produs si din alta piele, culoare sau alta dimensiunea a tocului.
Termen de livrare: 7 zile lucratoare.