The answer to the question “ how many pairs of shoes are too many?” is still not found. We truly believe that “ shoes speak louder than words”, therefore  Hannami Shoe Boutique, a romanian shoe designer and manufacturer boutique is launching an everyday challenge “ Build your outfit starting with the shoes….than the rest”.

Hannami woman has a complex personality: she could be a woman who works from 9 to 6 in a corporate environment or any other company, who needs comfortable yet versatile shoes because she can start the day at the office and finish it at a business dinner or perhaps a cocktail with her friends after work. She could be an entrepreneur who needs a statement pair of shoes – “classic with a twist”. She could be a shiny bride who spent her whole life dreaming about the perfect shoes to match her perfect dress on her perfect day. Even brides are looking for a versatile pair of shoes that can be worn after that. She could be a young woman who likes to party and is always looking for a unique pair of shoes that will catch all the eyes.


Hannami Shoes este un brand romanesc de incaltamine de lux, ce se adresează femeilor cosmopolite puternice şi rafinate. Folosind cele mai fine şi rezistente materiale, din piele naturală, de la prestigioşi furnizori din Italia, pantofii Hannami se afirmă prin calitatea produselor lucrate manual, în ediţii limitate de lux. Misiunea boutique-ului se conturează în jurul dorinţei de a oferi femeilor o experienta deosebit de placuta prin customizarea unor accesorii versatile si unice.

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